My Recreations The leisure hours are amply spentin pursuing hobbies. Evening timeis sports time. The hostellers areseen playing cricket, football,volleyball, basketball, lawn tennisand badminton. Some can be seenin their choicest bookor some surfing the internet. Thetelevision installed in the canteenhas some viewers pursuing theirfavourite sports or discoverychannels. The hostellers do havethe option of viewing a film everySunday and an outing occasionally. Weekends are time for interactingwith parents. The hostellers havebeen allotted time between 8:00pm and 9:00 pm to converse. Everylast Sunday of the month has beenfixed for meeting with the parents. The duration of four hours given formeeting is well utilized by parents, who take their wards out and spend some quality time with them. News & Circulars View All News